Portfolio targeting is like magic, {{send_name}}!And it's only available at Prohashing!
Prohashing is proud to announce the release of its newest guide, The Magic of Portfolio Targeting. Capturing data recorded over more than a year of real-world mining, the guide shows how portfolio targeting increased profitability over traditional pooled mining and even over Prohashing's "constant earnings" method.
Portfolio targeting automatically adjusts customers' earnings so that coins earned in the past maintain equal values. If the price of a coin falls, that coin's share of the overall portfolio declines, and portfolio targeting assigns the customer to earn more of that coin. Customers acquire more of a coin when that coin's price is low, and obtain more coins overall than they would have with traditional standard earnings.
The chart above shows how portfolio targeting resulted in 2.55% more profit than standard earnings, as a result of clicking a single radio button in the Prohashing dashboard. This feature isn't available at any other mining pool. Check out the guide to learn more about how portfolio targeting works and how it can increase your profits!
Thanks for mining with us! Chris Sokolowski - CEO, Prohashing
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